Church of England Primary School
To Be The Best I Can Be
Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Our Curriculum
Below are links to all of our curriculum documents.
We want children to make a happy and enjoyable transition and for our school to be a happy, stimulating and rewarding environment.
Our aim is for children to explore, learn and play in a wide range of experiences and opportunities. We want to foster children’s curiosity of the world as well as stimulate their creativity to become confident members of our school community.
EYFS - Intent, implement and impact
EYFS - Development Matters Reception Prime and Specific Areas
EYFS - Activities to Try at Home
EYFS - Characteristics of Learning
EYFS - Help Your Child with Maths
What a geographer looks like in the EYFS
What a musician looks like in the EYFS
What a scientist looks like in the EYFS
What an artist looks like in the EYFS
What an historian looks like in the EYFS
What DT looks like in the EYFS
What PE looks like in the EYFS
What PSHE looks like in the EYFS
What RE looks like in the EYFS
We want our learners to experience art, architecture and design in all its glorious forms. Having been exposed to a wide range of art and design techniques we want them to be able to select those they love to create work that satisfies their soul and gives them intrinsic pleasure through creation.
Art - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Art - Progression and Skills Overview
Art - Skills and Knowledge Grid
We want our learners to develop a love and understanding of the computing curriculum whilst also being conscious of how they can remain safe online. By the time the children leave our school, they will have been taught all about staying safe on the internet, how to access and use a whole range of applications, the skills needed to develop a product and about how codes are the brains behind every piece of hardware and software. The curriculum aims to prepare children with the skills and knowledge for a world that is largely influenced by technology.
Computing - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Computing - KS1 Computing Curriculum Map
Computing - KS2 Computing Curriculum Map
We want our children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems, both as individuals and as members of a team. By the time children leave our school, they will have been taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making which equips them with practical skills, knowledge and understanding for life.
Design & Technology - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Design & Technology - Knowledge Map
Design & Technology - Progression and Skills Overview
We want our children to appreciate their place in the world and develop an understanding of its people. Through a rich geography curriculum we want to inspire in pupils a curiosity to become aware of where countries are as well as what they contribute to a global society.
Geography - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Geography - Progression and Skills Overview
Geography - Skills and Knowledge Grid
Class R Geography skills and knowledge
Class 1 Geography skills and knowledge
Class 2 Geography skills and knowledge
Class 3 Geography skills and knowledge
Class 4 Geography skills and knowledge
Class 5 Geography skills and knowledge
Class 6 Geography skills and knowledge
We want our children to appreciate their place in the world and within History. Through a rich history curriculum we expect learners to become aware of events that shape our lives today.
History - Intent, Implementation and Impact
History - Progression and Skills Overview
History - Class R Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 1 Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 2 Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 3 Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 4 Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 5 Skills and knowledge Grid
History - Class 6 Skills and knowledge Grid
We want our children to embrace mathematics, have a rounded understanding of mathematical concepts and be able to apply them in new and novel contexts. We want children to enjoy mathematics, seeing it as fun, relevant and helpful to all aspects of their daily lives.
Maths - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Maths - Progression and Skills Overview
Maths - WRM - New Primary Schemes of Learning
Engaging children in maths learning at home
We want our children to experience physical education in a safe and supportive environment. Through a rich PE curriculum, we expect our learners to attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health.
PE - Intent, Implementation and Impact
PE - Progression and Skills Overview
PE - Athletics skills progression
PE - Gymnastics examples progression
PE - Gymnastics skills progression
We believe that literacy and communication are key life skills and that it is our role, through our broad and rich curriculum, to help children develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate effectively and creatively with the world at large, through spoken and written language. Engendering a love of reading and writing that is shared across our school, we strive to ensure all children enjoy and appreciate literature and its rich variety.
Orleton Phonics Learning Journey
Reading Policy
Handwriting Policy
Phonics - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Literacy - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Reading - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Year R Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 1 Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 3 Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 4 Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 5 Writing Curriculum Overview
Year 6 Writing Curriculum Overview
Related documents and links:
Information about Read, Write Inc for parents
Set 1 Parent Information
Set 2 & Set 3 Parent Information
10 things you should think about when reading to your child
10 things your child learns when you read stories and poems everyday
RWInc electronic reading books
The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.
RE - Intent, Implementation and Impact
RE - Progression and Skills Overview
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class R
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 1
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 2
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 3
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 4
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 5
RE - Skills & Knowledge Class 6
We want our children to appreciate and develop an understanding of different languages and cultures and the opportunities this can open for them. Through a rich French curriculum, we hope that we can provide the basis for further enjoyment and appreciation of other languages and the benefits it can provide for other areas of cognition and comprehension within the native tongue.
French - Intent, Implementation and Impact
French - Progression and Skills Overview
We want our children to appreciate their place in the world and within their environment. Through a rich science curriculum we expect learners to become aware of what shapes our lives today.
Science - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Science - Progression and Skills Overview
Science - Working Scientifically
Sex and relationships education
We want our children at Orleton to develop a love of music making. The Charanga scheme, which we use to support our teaching, provides week-by-week resources for each year group to cover the National Curriculum for Music, achieve the Orleton skills progression, as well as cover the school’s Knowledge Map. The scheme moves away from outcome / objectives concepts to an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach, where we will not always know what the learning outcomes will be. As such, each lesson is designed to cover multiple areas of the music curriculum. We hope that their primary music education will lead to a lifetime of enjoyment in all that the world of music has to offer.
Music - Intent, implementation and impact
Music - Progression and Skills overview
Class R Music Skills & Knowledge
Class 1 Music Skills & Knowledge
Class 2 Music Skills & Knowledge
Class 3 Music Skills & Knowledge
Class 4 Music Skills & Knowledge